Gebremeskel Kahssay Bahta – As a business owner, you’re probably running into all sorts of issues when it comes to how to run and manage your business. These issues all have to do with ethics and what you know that you should do to insure that the business meets the wants and needs of your customers. However, sometimes, it isn’t as clear and concrete as we would like for it to be and if that’s the case, more often than not, we end up doing things without realizing that we’re actually hurting our businesses.

Gebremeskel Kahssay Bahta – Many business owners get tricked into doing things that are for the better sake of the word, not too ethical. However, the lines between being honest and ethical are blurred and that’s when many misunderstandings happen and things can get out of hand very quickly if you’re not watchful and observant. That is why as a business owner, it is up to you to make sure that the practices that you have in your business are honest and ethical at all times.
Gebremeskel Kahssay Bahta – Again, this is easier said than done because of the fact that if the business has many moving parts, then that also means that there are many different practices and such that you need to have a handle on to insure a successful business. Policies, regulations and rules are all a part of insuring that the business runs ethically. It is these guidelines, rules and regulations that will help to guide the business in such a way that it continues to provide the customer exactly what they want and need at all times.
Gebremeskel Kahssay Bahta – Everything from human resources, customer support, product fulfillment and so on are all a part of the many moving parts of the business, and as such, each of these moving parts must have their own code of ethics in which to follow.
We have all heard the saying, “Honesty is the best policy.” Well this saying is so very true, and it is the first rule of business. If you apply this phrase to your business, then when you manage each of its moving parts, this principle will insure that the business runs smoothly. However, what ends up happening is that business owners learn of the most recent technique or strategy that is supposed to bring the business huge profits and then they begin to use that technique only to realize later on that it is dishonest and deceptive. This is where the lines really become blurred because even though the technique or strategy in question doesn’t seem to be deceptive, the truth comes out when you discover that either your customer base is getting smaller, or they’re simply not buying from you like they used to in the past.
That is why it is so vitally important that before you use any new technique or strategy in your business that you first study it well and go over it with a fine tooth comb to insure that everything about it is honest and ethical. This might mean doing some research on the technique to see how it is being applied in other business models, and even talk to other entrepreneurs who are using the technique or strategy to find out from them how it is working in their businesses firsthand. Then and only then will you have a clear picture and you can decide whether or not to use the technique or strategy.
No matter how appealing something might be and no matter how much money someone claims that they’re making from using one particular technique or strategy, you should investigate it first to insure that the claims that are made are actually true. The last thing that you want to do is to use something that will cause your business to become tainted with bad business practices in the hope of making more money. This is where greed steps in because all business owners do want to make more money, but the question is; is it really worth it to use a technique or strategy that is less than ethical?
This is a question that you must constantly ask yourself when confronted with a new way of doing things in your business. This is why running and managing a business is so difficult to do, and most people don’t realize it. They’re misled by people who teach them that Internet business is really easy to do. What should matter most is your customers because without customers, then you don’t have a business at all.
More often than not, ethics is thrown out the window and replaced with greed and deception in the hope of making more money for the ones at the top. Greed even trickles down through the different levels of the business affecting all of its employees and staff members. If it is bad enough, it can even cause the breakup of the business. This has happened to many businesses in the past, and it has even happened to huge corporations who have ended up on the news because of the issues facing them concerning greed and deception.
Sure you want to make as much money as humanly possible, but if ethics are thrown out in order to get that money, then is it really worth it? Is it really worth ruining your reputation just to make more money quickly? Is it really worth it even at the expense of your employees and your customer base? Are you willing to make that sacrifice? That is the question that you must ask yourself if you’re thinking about doing something that is less than ethical in your business.
The road to business success is a long and dangerous road that has many deceiving things along the way that you must be on the watch for. That is why you should remain smart and don’t get wound up in using techniques or strategies that are less than ethical. Remember, honesty is the best policy, and that is a statement that you can take straight to the bank!
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