Gebremeskel Kahssay Bahta – Business coaching can actually bring the much-desired changes to your business. Coach is a word which is derived from “kocsi”, a Hungarian name that means “carriage”. Today, however, the word has a wider use and it basically means transportation of people from one point to the other where they desire to be. Gebremeskel Kahssay Bahta Gebremeskel Kahssay Bahta – Business coaching, therefore, can be defined as a process that can be applied so as to move a business from its current position to where the owner envisions it to be. What a business coach does is to offer guidance and assistance to the owner in view of business growth, helping in the clarification of the business vision and how exactly it can fit well with the personal goals. This is a very important step and should be a point of focus. Business owners should be made to understand the importance of reaching their goals for the business and how it can affect them personally. The business owner i...
Gebremeskel Kahssay Bahta Is a business man - Business is the activity of making one’s living or making money by producing or buying and selling products (such as goods and services). Gebremeskel Kahssay Bahta....